Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Beating

That's what we got last night- a beating, a ferocious beating. Up in these parts of the country we don't often get a thunderstorm. Last night it rolled in waves the entire night.

It began as I went out for a run about 6pm. Halfway through my route the thunder set in and pace quickened. I met another runner along the road who said, "Just stay under the big trees- it'll hit them first". Great, I thought. Faster yet.

Cancelled was the family night walk. With it being darker than usual we all got into bed at a reasonable hour. Not that getting into bed means sleeping. Far from it. The power went out about 10:50 and stayed out. The cracking and exploding of the sky, the shaking of the house, the cowering of the dog went on until 7am. Non-stop. I know this because I laid awake taking it all in. How could one sleep through this?? I wondered. Well it wasn't one that slept- it was four. They all slept through it. Didn't hear a peep. How does that work?!

So on this dark and gloomy, wet morning the dog and I will be found in our jammies perhaps sleeping here and there- unless of course there is more to come.

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