Monday, September 22, 2008

Not Again

Why so little blackberries you ask? Oh, well, because we had yet another bear encounter!

It's been rainy here for the past few days and when the clouds parted and the sun came out and the majestic choir sang "alleluia", we went outside. The kids and I walked (limped) up the hill and my daughter and I busied ourselves on the bushes while the boys dug in the dirt. My bear-hating daughter kept listening for twigs snapping and checking holes in bushes while I kept trying to sell her that there were simply no bears around.

That is until I looked over the bush and saw him/her/it sitting on the grass in a little meadow nibbling on preciously what we were collecting.

"Time to go" I said and gave a gentle shove. Off she went like a stealth bomber. "Boys, we need to leave NOW" she screamed in a whisper. Shockingly they both calmly grabbed their digging tools and started home.

I didn't really feel any danger. So I have a broken leg and I'm in the vicinity of a bear- no sweat. I could have ran if I needed to. Maybe. Anyway, we're home with not many berries and again "we're" crying about how much we hate bears. (Do you think she'd get upset if I slipped out with the camera??)

1 comment:

Regina said...

getting your camera to go back to the bear? you are one dedicated picture taker!!