Thursday, October 29, 2009

Bootcamp, Sleep Style

I would so much prefer teaching a good solid boot camp workout instead of what we're enduring over here. My child turned four last week. Four is so far away from the usual sort of boot camp that we're doing. Typically bleary-eyed moms and dads do this with babies and here we are years later...

Last night was our second night of hour after hour reassuring a small person with outrageous fears that all is well and that he needs to stay in his bed. I took night one, last night was daddy's turn. Daddy reported that he and the worry wort were awake from one am to four am. Ouch.

So you can imagine the amount of whining and frustration both the little one and mommy will have today. It's going to get better. It's going to get better. It's going to get better.

Launching rockets off the stairs in jammies. I think we'll skip swim lessons this morning and stay low- in jammies all morning long.

*Update: Night number three has been the worst so far. I may crash and burn big time today.

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