Friday, April 11, 2008

A Sort Of Letdown

Since November my husband and I have been training for our first marathon. He long ago fell off that wagon but has managed to run a little here and there to do the half-marathon. "Oh no" I said, "not me- I will run the whole thing!" Very determined, I ran myself into some shin splints that will not heal. (Okay maybe if I stopped running and working out they would but don't tell me that!)

So in the interest of my stubbornness, I will join my husband and run the half. Only because I have no other choice. I've had to seriously cut back on the miles so I won't be prepared for the full 26.2 miles.

And who wouldn't want to go spend the weekend with good buddies on beautiful Whidbey Island? I'll see you back on Monday with spectacular pictures of the island in bloom (hopefully), limp and all.

And while I'm thinking about it, please don't tell the acupuncturist that I'm doing this for she strongly warned against it. It seems that some people believe this kind of running to be extreme. Apparently they haven't fallen to the brainwashing and addictions of running like I have.

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