Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Solitude Sought

I had one of those days again. Too many needs and not enough moms.

As we were about to embark on a mandatory library trip last night, my husband, seeing my desperation of the long day, urged me to go with big kids- meaning he'd stay behind and put the littlest needy one to bed. Do you know what that means for me? It means I can look at each and every single book if I want to. In peace. And quiet.

Being the only three people (exception made for the librarian) in the entire place did wonders for my soul. I sat and read for pleasure, for insight, and for inspiration.

And the payoff, this morning there was a little one quite taken with our choices.

I absolutely love my library basket. I love changing it out weekly and filling it up.

1 comment:

Regina said...

that is one place we dont nearly go enough!!
