Friday, September 26, 2008

Where Ya Been??

Well when the Internet went out on Monday and all computer work came to a crashing halt, I thought for sure it would be back on Tuesday. And Wednesday. And until late yesterday- it was still down.

What a humbling week. No passing by the office to check email. No blogging. No research. No writing. No nothing. And you know what? I was probably a good thing. My kids got more of my attention and chores that have been put on hold got done. The funny thing is I had to ask my husband just what in the world I should do with myself in the early morning hours. My typical routine is to wake with him, make his coffee, iron a shirt and disappear for my quiet mommy time in the office. I usually sit in the dark and light a candle and relish the silence. It's truly my only time of day to be alone for an hour.

So we're back in the land of technology and I best be answering the four million and two email. Have a good one!

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