Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tea and Visits

One of my favorite things to do in the early hours or when the house is quiet and I need to get off my feet is to have a hot drink and see what other people around the world (or just in my backyard) are up to. I find great inspiration, motivation and just plain learn things from these people. I have old favorites that I often visit and some new ones that I'd like to share.

First is my friend, Meka, who has introduced me to journaling. Not just "dear diary" journaling but drawing-in my case trying to draw. Meka carries her little black book with her everywhere she goes and can often be found with pen in hand sketching what has caught her eye. She's turned me on to checking out drawing books at the library and falling in deep-like with this form of catching memories.

Next is someone I stumbled on through an old favorite. Laurel is leading an exciting life in a place I can't imagine. Her photos help me to see a world so very far away all the while while my head sings "goin to katmandu...".

And last is one I just found too interesting- Lindsay is in Tel Aviv with her husband and children. Another place I cannot fathom but enjoy seeing a day in the life.

Isn't the blogoball a great place? Oops, tea's empty- that means my time is up. Happy trails.

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