Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Our Visit

Last week I got a call from a lady at church. She was reminding me that I had signed up to bring the traveling Blessed Mother into our home for the week. "That's right!" I exclaimed. It had been months since I did that and specifically put down the dates so that we could have her for my birthday and our anniversary.

I was so pleasantly surprised to see that she came in a big suitcase full of rosaries, prayer books, dvd's on Fatima, candles, etc. And I was even more surprised to learn that there are welcoming family prayers and farewell prayers.

Funny enough she in one week became "ours". The kids really took to her bringing flowers in from the yard to lay by her feet, making sure she was facing the right way, talking about her eyes (they looked so real)- just being plain aware. They even leaned over after Mass as Mary was being presented to the next home and said, "Look mom, that's our statue!" If you ever get the opportunity through the Legion of Mary or whatever your church offers, we highly recommend it.

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